Died 30 April 1998 London, England Occupation diplomat, poet, writer, publisher Nationality OF Syrian Would You Allow Me? نزار قباني Nizar Qabbani في بلاد يغتال فيها المفكرون، ويكفر الكاتب وتحرق الكتب، في مجتمعات ترفض الآخر، وتفرض الصمت على الافواه والحجر على الافكار، وتكفر اي سؤال، كان لابد ان استأذنكم ان تسمحوا لي.. In a country where thinkers are assassinated, and writers are considered infidels and books are burnt, in societies that refuse the other, and force silence on mouths and quarantine on thoughts, and where to question is a sin, I must beg your pardon, would you allow me? فهل تسمحون لي ان اربي اطفالي كما اريد، وألا تملوا علي اهواءكم واوامركم؟ Would you allow me to bring up my children as I want, and not to dictate on me your whims and orders? هل تسمحون لي ان اعلم اطفالي ان الدين لله اولا، وليس للمشايخ والفقهاء والناس؟ Would you allow me to teach my children that religion is first to God, and not for religious leaders or scholars or people? هل تسمحون لي ان اعلم صغيرتي ان الدين هو اخلاق وأدب وتهذيب وامانة وصدق، قبل ان اعلمها بأي قدم تدخل الحمام وبأي يد تأكل؟ Would you allow me to teach my little one that religion is about morals, good manners, good behaviour, good conduct, honesty and truthfulness, before I teach her with which foot to enter the bathroom or with which hand she should eat? هل تسمحون لي ان اعلم ابنتي ان الله محبة، وانها تستطيع ان تحاوره وتسأله ما تشاء؟ Would you allow me to teach my daughter that God is love, and that she can dialogue with Him and ask Him anything she wants? هل تسمحون لي الا اذكر عذاب القبر لاولادي، الذين لم يعرفوا ما هو الموت بعد؟ Would you allow me not to mention the torture of grave to my children, who do not know about death yet? هل تسمحون لي ان اعلم ابنتي اصول الدين وادبه واخلاقه! ، قبل ان افرض عليها الحجاب؟ Would you allow me to teach my daughter the tenets of religion and its culture and manners, before I force on her the 'Hijab' (the veil)? هل تسمحون لي ان اقول لابني الشاب ان ايذاء الناس وتحقيرهم لجنسيتهم ولونهم ودينهم، هو ذنب كبير عند الله؟ Would you allow me to tell my young son that hurting people and degrading them because of their nationality, colour or religion, is considered a big sin by God? هل تسمحون لي ان اقول لابنتي ان مراجعة دروسها والاهتمام بتعليمها انفع واهم عند الله من حفظ آيات القرآن عن ظهر قلب دون تدبر معانيها؟ Would you allow me to tell my daughter that revising her homework and paying attention to her learning is considered by God as more useful and important than learning by heart Ayahs from the Quran without knowing their meaning? هل تسمحون لي ان اعلم ابني ان الاقتداء بالرسول الكريم يبدأ بنزاهته وامانته وصدقه، قبل لحيته وقصر ثوبه؟ Would you allow me to teach my son that following the footsteps of the Honourable Prophet begins with his honesty, loyalty and truthfulness, before his beard or how short his thobe (long dress) is? · هل تسمحون لي ان اقول لابنتي ان الآخرين ليسوا كفرة، والا تبكي خوفا عليهم من دخول النار؟ Would you allow me to tell my daughter that others are not an infidel, and ask her not to cry fearing them will go to Hell? هل تسمحون لي ان اجاهر، ان الله لم يوكل احدا في الارض بعد الرسول لان يتحدث باسمه ولم يخول احدا بمنح 'صكوك الغفران' للناس؟ Would you allow me to declare that God did not authorize anyone on earth after the Prophet to speak in his name nor did he vest any powers on anyone to issue 'deeds of forgiveness' to people? هل تسمحون لي ان اقول، ان الله حرم قتل النفس البشرية، وان من قتل نفسا بغير حق كأنما قتل الناس جميعا، وانه لا يحق لمسلم ان يروع مسلما؟ Would you allow me to say, that God has forbidden killing the human soul, and he who kills wrongly a human being it is as if he killed all human kind, and no Moslem has the right to frighten another Moslem? · هل تسمحون لي ان اعلم اولادي ان الله اكبر واعدل وارحم من كل فقهاء الارض مجتمعين؟ وان مقاييسه تختلف عن مقاييس المتاجرين بالدين، وان حساباته أحن وارحم؟ Would you allow me to teach my children that God is greater, more just, and more merciful than all the (religious) scholars on earth combined? And that his standards are different from the standards of those commercializing the religion, and that his accountability is kinder and more merciful? هل تسمحون لي Would you allow me? نزار قباني Nizar Qabbani

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